We would be grateful if you could donate some life.
(Blooming Soon)
Deeper the love, deeper the grief. It is our birthright to feel and know love, and it is the test of strength and courage for our hearts to always remember love is stronger and love is our pe
We honors ALL SOULS WE LOST TO COVID and all beloveds whose love blooms on in the GARDEN!
The deeper the love, the deeper the grief. It is our own birthright to feel and know Love And it is our hearts test of strength and courage to know and feel grief as well.
Seeds of Love Planted
Flowers Bloomed
In honor of...
astro bou
Astroboy Hynix
casualartic casualartic
onlineblogsandarticles onlineblogsandarticles
Bob and Judy
Jerry Robison
J-Yum and LF
Jeff Beck
Lori Freed
allblog1 allblog1
cleshop cleshop
fall baby
The Loving Garden Foundation Admin Fund
This Site Is a
victim of this site FU
mop7hua6 mop7hua6
Alan Henning
Jessica Rigdon
Gertie Pratt
Ellisa Kamula
Judith Ann Kamula
Nicole Black
Christine Mason
Housing and food
Child loss support
Keith Johnson
Ofelia Ortega
Anonymous Gardener
Chris S.
One Love
Collective Collaboration
Receiving Soon
Our gates are open, come plant a seed of love.
Loss of a Parent or Grandparent
Loss of a Sibling or Twin
Loss of a Spouse, Partner, or Significant Other
Loss of a Parent (Mother or Father)
Nov. 19, 2022
Oct. 30, 2021
Sep. 11, 2021
Did you forget you are worthy of being love? I did for a long long time. Because I forgot It is not wrong or selfish or vain to love myself too. Why was I thought to believe I could give love to others but I myself couldn’t give it? Aren’t I just as worthy as others? Yes. I AM, and so are you. Plant a seed of love for yourself too and let yourself bloom.
- Lori Freed
However imply your life is,meet it and stay it ;do not shun it and make contact with it tough names.it is not so bad as you are.it appears poorest when you are richest.the fault-finder will discover faults in paradise. Love your life,negative as it is.you can perhaps have a few quality,thrilling,wonderful hourss,even in a negative-residence.the putting sun is meditated from the home windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the wealthy guy's homestead;the snow melts earlier than its door as early inside the spring.i do no longer see however a quiet mind can also stay as contentedly there,and have as cheering mind,as in a palace. The town's negative seem to me often to stay the most impartial lives of any.can be they are absolutely exquisite enough to receive with out misgiving. https://www.blogsandarticlesgroup.com
- blogsandar blogsandar
Feb. 12, 2021
We are almost ready ....world! We are growing behind the garden gates fast to open for all!
Feb. 14, 2021
Love Blooms On and the Garden gates are open! We are very excited to share this vision with you and share the journey of healing, helping and honoring by Love!
Coming Soon, we are working to grow the garden as fast as possible to open the gates for flower recipients! Stay tuned!
Coming Soon, TLG Pets!
April 4, 2021
Our goal date to open the garden gates to Flowers of Love Recipients. Help us grow with planting seeds to meet our target!
Be a part of honoring your loved one(s) and help the loving garden grow. Give love forward to another in need in the name of Love.
If you are in need of support and would like to request a flower of love please click here.
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